Nyango Star - Characters MyFigureCollection.net

Nyango Star is a mascot character played by an anonymous drummer from Kuroishi City, Aomori Prefecture. Kuroishi City is well known for growing apples and rice.

Fictional Backstory:
In the past, he was a pet cat named "Shiro" whose owner was a human who played the drums. At the age of seven, he fell ill and passed away. His owner cremated him and buried the ashes in an apple orchard. A few years later, Shiro was resurrected as an apple. The fruit grew until it fell to the ground, leaving a permanent scar on his face. His memory was vague at first, but it slowly returned until he fully recalled his past life.

He tried to go home to his previous owner, but he was not recognized in his new form and was called the “red apple beast.” Somehow, Shiro managed to convince his owner to let him stay, but he still wanted to go back to being a normal cat. He consulted his biological parent, Grandpa Apple Tree, who said, “Keep everyone happy and build up your strength, go to the Hollywood Hills, and then you'll be back to normal.” Shiro couldn't understand Grandpa Apple Tree well because of his dentures, but he managed to catch the words.

After leaving the old tree behind, he realized that had no means or funds to travel to the United States. Giving the problem a lot of thought, Shiro finally decided that if he could make music like his owner, he would make many people happy and become a rock star who could tour the globe to reach Hollywood. Shiro began practicing by watching and imitating his owner's drumming, and as his reputation increased, eventually appeared at local events. His bandmates insisted he needed a new name, so he decided to call himself “Nyango Star” as a tribute to legendary drummer Ringo Star, as “ringo” translates to “apple” and “nya” is the Japanese word for a cat’s cry.

Despite years of performing, he remains in his reincarnated form, but Nyango Star hasn’t given up. He still plays the drums to make even more people happy, in hopes of one day turning back into a cat. His bold adventure continues.

Apple Variety: Sun Fuji
Birthday: February 5th
Birthplace: Kuroishi City, Aomori Prefecture
Height: ~170cm
Weight: 3 crates of apples
Special Skill: Drums
Hobbies: Watching movies
Likes: Shrimp, crab
Dislikes: Red ginger, gari ginger
